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John F Kennedy Day School

John F Kennedy Day School is committed to serving nutritious meals that meet USDA guidelines and cater to our students' dietary needs.

Meal Costs

Meals are provided to students at no charge.

Cafeteria Rules

Students must follow these and all school rules while in the cafeteria: 

  • Always model good behavior.
  • Only bottled water, milk and juice served from the cafeteria line are allowed. Tea, sodas, sports drinks or energy drinks are prohibited.
  • All electronic devices must be kept out of sight.
  • Remove all headgear before entering.
  • Use only the designated entrance to enter the cafeteria.
  • Activities such as shoving, running, shouting, fighting or throwing food are strictly prohibited.
  • Students are responsible for cleaning their eating area and disposing of all trash in designated trash cans.
  • Students may request second helpings only after everyone has been served once. Additional servings may not always be available.
  • Sponsors of after-school activities, including clubs, classes, tutoring sessions or sports, are responsible for supervising their students during snack or mealtime.

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